I know I'm always rattling on about the hottest fashions, and I tend to neglect what can sometimes be, the most significant part of an outfit, the handbag! What's the big deal, you're just slinging it over your shoulder right? Ummm, WRONG! C'mon gals, a hot handbag is the ultimate conversation starter, and there's nothing better than being the talk of a sizzling soiree! As you all know by now, colour blocking is the hottest trend going right now, but nudes and pastels are also hitting the streets, so let's have a look at what's hot, and what you should be clutching!
Colour Me Good! I cannot express to you how enamored I am with the colours I see strutting down the street (well, not down my street yet, it may be Spring, but we're still waiting for that warm breeze!). But my girlfriends from back East are stompin' around town with the likes of Marc Jacob and Victoria Beckham.

A Punch of Colour. If you love colour, but want to keep it subtle, you'll probably fall in love with Fendi's Confetti Bag. I'm sure it costs a mint, and for a gal who's trying to keep up with bills, getting my online degree, a Fendi bag can cost as much as a semester of school, yikes! Oh well, a girl can dream right? Here's hoping I see Fendi, Marni and Marc Jacob in dreamland.
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